Latin American Space Challenge

About & Overview

About & Overview

The Latin American Space Challenge (LASC) is an event held since 2019 with the aim of promoting the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology with the development of projects in the space theme.

The framework of rules and requirements is based on the successful benchmarking of the Spaceport America Cup (SAC), which has been held annually in the United States since 2005.

LASC is divided into two main challenges, the Rocket Challenge and the Satellite Challenge, and into categories according to the target apogee of the experimental rocket or the shape/form-factor of the satellite.

2019 LASC Patch

2020 LASC Patch

2021 LASC Patch

2022 LASC Patch

2023 LASC Patch

Rocket Challenge

The mission categories of the Rocket Challenge are listed according to the target apogee and propulsion system used by the selected experimental rocket project:

Satellite Challenge

The Satellite Challenge was created in 2020 with different categories based on the satellite project form-factor. The goal of the challenge is to promote the development of functional payloads for future space missions.

Teams participating in both Rocket ans Satellite Challenge will earn bonus points for completing a full/complete mission.

Cabo Canavial

The best place to launch experimental rockets...

The Latin American Space Challenge is hosted at the Cabo Canavial area near São Paulo, Brazil. The location, a grassland surrounded by sugar cane farms around the operational area, is seen as the best place to launch experimental rockets: safety, airspace control, location an infrastructure.

Cape Canavial, Brazil.

Excellent weather conditions.

Safe launch area.

Comfort to watch rocket launches.